
Location | O'Connor, ACT Completed | March 2016

EER | 8 stars Area | 155m² (garage 43m²)

Builder | 35 Degrees Images | Ben Wrigley

More to come soon…


Key features

3 bed, 3 living & 2 bath



EER | 8 stars

High levels of insulation in walls (R2.5) and ceilings (R5)

Burnished concrete flooring with R1 insulation to slab edge and underside

Thermal mass of slab used to regulate internal temperatures

Vapour permeable building wrap to control moisture and reduce air movement past insulation

Testing to ensure building envelope integrity: thermographic inspection of insulation and fan depressurisation to ensure airtightness

8.2 air changes per hour at 50Pa (typical Canberra house 15-25)

Window and eave sizes optimised through scientific analysis and collaboration with architect

Small electric radiator panels for heating

Ceiling fans for cooling

PVC double-glazed tilt and turn windows