The perfect match: great design and some fairly simple science

Our Little Loft House has hit the media again. This article by The Guardian Thermal mix: a modest Canberra renovation holds and traps the sun | Urban planning | The Guardian includes commentary from both Jenny and architect Duncan Hall on how and why we took an uncomfortable, dysfunctional home and revamped it, rather than knocking it down and starting again.

With some great design and some fairly simple science, this little reno uses 80% less energy than the average new Canberra home. Little Loft House recently received a Highly Commended in the Single Dwelling Alts + Adds category of the 2021 Sustainability Awards, and earlier in the year won two gongs in the ACT Institute of Architects Awards. You can read more about this sustainable little house here.

Existing houses all across Australia are suitable for this kind of makeover. So if you could, why wouldn’t you? It just makes great building sense.

We really hope this IS the future of Australian housing.