Introducing another bright spark!

We're very excited to introduce to you our newest science team member, Karen! 


Karen is our resident client-turned-employee. Her experience, sharp intellect and analytical approach caught the eye of Director Jenny in the initial lead process and, after some time, resulted in Karen joining the team. 

Karen has worked on numerous projects from IT installation and rollout to event based projects in both the public and private sector. She spent some time at home looking after her and her husband’s two little girls before signing up and completing a course through the University of Tasmania in Sustainable House Design - in the hope of one day building a new family home. The course sparked a joy and curiosity in Karen about the design and thermal properties of homes, and their potential to have an amazing positive effect on the physical and psychological wellbeing of inhabitants. This led her, with much delight, to Light House.

Karen is a wealth of knowledge, support and experience and is an integral addition to the Light House family. 

“Do the best you can, until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.”

— Maya Angelou

Welcome, Karen!