Embodied vs operational energy

This is something we often get asked about at Light House. If it is something you have been pondering then you may find the link at the bottom of this blog useful.

Clients are often confused by the pros and cons of renovating versus knocking down and rebuilding. At Light House we say it very much depends on your block and your existing home. Some sites and houses have good bones and orientation working strongly for the renovation case. Sadly, others require significant overhaul, upgrade or compromise on the path to improving their energy efficiency, sustainability and the comfort, health and happiness of their occupants.

We can help you weigh things up. Each case is different. Each set of clients has different dreams, priorities and budgets.

Here’s a link to an example of a house that we felt was most definitely worth renovating (NB. it had good orientation and other potential that some homes do not). You can see more of this house and some of Light House’s other reno/extension projects here.

Click on the following link to get to the section of the Australian Government’s Your Homeguide on embodied energy.