Climate wise garden advice

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Spring has truly sprung in Canberra, so now is the perfect time to get back into the garden. The ACT Suburban Land Agency has teamed up with local landscape architect Edwina Robinson, who started the micro-forest trend in Canberra, to produce a Climate Wise Garden Designs booklet for Canberrans.

With its hot dry summer and cold frosty winters Canberra is a tricky climate for our gardens. But with the help of this booklet you can plant a climate wise, low maintenance or edible garden or a combination of all three, suited to Canberra’s soil type, climate and water availability. There are also tips on how to get started, advice on maintaining a health garden and recommended plant lists.

At Light House we believe that a part of building a sustainable home is getting your garden to work with your home. In the right place, the right plant species can help reduce your energy bills, by provide amazing shade for your home in summer and glorious warming sun in winter.

Light House was pleased to be involved in the booklet by providing photos of some of the climate wise gardens you can find at homes we have designed.

So if you have been trying to decide what to do with your garden, this is where to start. You can download a copy of the booklet here.